KALISPELL - Grief After Suicide Loss Adult Support Group
09/10/2024 05:15 PM - 10/15/2024 06:30 PM MT


Kalispell, MT

KALISPELL Grief After Suicide & Traumatic Loss Adult Support Group 

Support groups center on honoring individual experiences and gathering with understanding others in a safe, supportive environment. This group is for adults (age 18 and above) who have had a family member or loved one die by suicide or traumatic circumstances. We will meet weekly on Tuesdays from 5:15-6:30pm (MST) at TGRC Kalispell September 10th-October 15th. We ask that those registered commit to attending all sessions. 

It is recommended that at least ~3 months have elapsed since your loss before trying group support. Please note that a completed registration form does not guarantee admission to a group, as space is limited. Together with an experienced program staff, those interested will explore TGRC's many resources for grief support and determine if this group is the best fit for their needs. We look forward to being in touch. 

Please reach out with any questions. 406-261-0724

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Waiver Statement:

Adult Grief Support Group Informed Consent


Welcome to our grief peer support group. We look forward to sharing this group together. This form provides you with important information about the group. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We strive to provide opportunities to honor loved ones who have died, connect with understanding others, and give you the permission to be yourself.


Group: This small group consists of six, 75-minute sessions from 5:15-6:30pm on Tuesdays at our Tamarack Grief Resource Center Kalispell office. 

Confidentiality: Your confidentiality is of the utmost importance to us. We encourage all members to be open and respectful. While it is expected that the members and facilitators maintain confidentiality of the group contents, it is important to remember that confidentiality in a group setting cannot be fully assured. As your group facilitators, we will keep what you share confidential. There are only a few times when we are required to break confidentiality. These situations are as follows:

1. If we feel you are in danger of harming yourself or others, we are obligated to take action. Every effort will be made to work with you and inform you first in such instances.

2. If an instance of previously unreported child or elder abuse is brought to light, Montana State Law requires us to report this.


TGRC does not offer 24-hour or crisis care. If you or someone you know requires emergency care after business hours, please call 911. If you or someone you know would like to be connected to a mental health resource 988 is avaliable 24-hours a day. 

Participation: Participating in grief peer support can offer relief from a variety of emotional and interpersonal challenges. It is common for things to feel more difficult before feeling better. This is, in part, because you are now paying attention to the difficult areas in your life or in your relationships and sometimes this has an effect of “turning up the heat.” Old ways of thinking and behaving are hard to change, but ultimately, your efforts and openness will likely produce benefits. We encourage you to join us in committing to attend all six sessions and in “trusting the process” believing that ultimately the group will offer increased feelings of connection, opportunities for constructive outlets, and added hope.


Group peer support is an activity that involves participants being willing to contribute respectfully with others as we all strive to reach personal and group goals. Your level of self-disclosure or sharing will be based solely on your own comfort level. We believe that the group benefits from everyone’s participation and respect for each person’s grieving process. We ask you to please turn off your cell phones during group. If you come intoxicated or under the influence of substances, we will ask you to leave. Please do not bring pets or children to group as they can be distracting during your time of processing grief.

Thank you for adhering to this informed consent. Please reach out with any questions! We look forward to the group process with you!

“I have read and discussed the above information.”

required fields
